*A Love Undone
Releases September 9, 2014!
My desire to write what I used to call “Andy’s Story” had been building for years, and before the time to write it drew near, I felt the story wash over me, tossing me about like crashing waves.
When I finished writing the last book in Amish Vines and Orchards, I began to pen what is now titled A Love Undone.
My need to write A Love Undone began the day Andy Fisher walked onto the page when I was writing a Christmas novella, *The Dawn of Christmas. Andy was a main character’s older brother, and he didn’t have a point of view or his own storyline, although he had back-story that came out in that book. But the reader never had the chance to see Andy as I saw him. I’m not sure how many readers of The Dawn of Christmas will even remember Andy. But I was privy to all of Andy’s heartache and loneliness. I could feel it every time he spoke to his brother—perhaps because I knew of an Amish man who was experiencing the same difficulties.
See, Andy is a grass widower. That means his wife left him, so he’s spent the last several years raising their son alone. As an Amish married man, he’s unable to build a life with any woman . . . unless his wife returns. Those who’ve joined the Amish faith are dedicated to God and their beliefs of what God wants of them, one such foundational belief rarely allows for divorce, and never allows a divorced person to remarry.
You and I may or may not agree with the Amish stance concerning spousal abandonment, but for those whose faith will not allow them to accept any other way, their reality is a heartache that must be faced, and in Andy’s case, he’s determined to do so with honor.
Despite that Andy’s life is frozen, he’s found peace with God and he’s learned to accept his life for what it is. That’s not easy because many pity him even while blaming him for his wife’s sudden departure. It’s hard for a man to be pitied when his sense of honor and steadfastness deserve respect.
But after years of emotional isolation, he meets Jolene Keim, a young woman who understands loneliness like few others are capable of.
Oh! You haven’t met Jolene yet, have you? Well…neither had Andy…
If you’d like too meet Jolene, here is a link to chapter one…
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* If you own an e-reader and haven’t yet read The Dawn of Christmas, please wait before purchasing it. My publisher has graciously worked out a wonderful deal on The Dawn of Christmas, so that in a month, you can read it for a dollar! I’ll blog about it and share the specifics at the start of the special.
“For I know the plans I have toward you,” declares the Lord,
“plans…to give you hope and a future.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)