Blue skies, smilin’ at me
Nothin’ but blues skies do I see
Bluebirds singing a song
Nothin’ but bluebirds all day long
Never saw the sun shinin’ so bright
Never saw things lookin’ so right
Noticin’ the days hurryin’ by
When you’re in love, my how they fly
Blue days, all of them gone
Nothin’ but blue skies from now on
Hello, dear readers,
This time of year is often the time when a lot of us deal with general negative feelings. The excitement of the holidays is over, and we are left with at least two more months of winter. In addition to the usual seasonal blues, it feels like the negativity in the country and beyond is exceptional at this time. It seems we all feel the weight of it.
I’d like my website’s blog to be a retreat of positivity, a protected place to talk without the comment showing up on Facebook or other social media outlets where people can pounce and where the atmosphere itself feels very judgmental, even when we’re sharing a carefully worded or upbeat thought. Negativity can saturate our lives if we don’t push back. But if we can look through the eyes of gratefulness, we will feel hope stir. Let’s stir hope in one another. So, I’m starting a new series of blog posts, one for each month, where we can discuss the silver lining on different subjects of life.
As for me this month, I’m receiving the edits to book three of Amish of Summer Grove, titled Gathering the Threads. As most of you know, editing can be a tedious and difficult process, where I must make decisions on what words to keep or cut. And as you also know, I get very attached to my characters! This process can feel quite emotional. But the silver lining is I have an amazing editor and I can trust that the finished product will be something I will be excited to share with my wonderful, loyal readers.
Oh, and book two of that series, Fraying at the Edge, is one of six finalists in the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Awards. I hope no one minds that I don’t expect to win. I’m completely okay with that. The silver lining is I was blessed to able to write it, and it’s been nominated. Those two things are amazing all by themselves.
Whether you work outside of the home, from home, are a homemaker, or a retiree, what work-related silver lining have you found lately? Share with us in the comments.
Although I won’t offer a giveaway during each of the Twelve Months of Blue Skies blog posts, I’d like to kick off this blog series with a give away of the entire series of Amish of Summer Grove. I’ll hold off sending any of the books until I can get my hands on a copy of Gathering the Threads, which should happen mid-July to early-August.
For a chance to win the entire series of Amish of Summer Grove, just leave a comment on this blog.
REPEAT question from blog post: Whether you work outside of the home, from home, are a homemaker, or a retiree, what work-related silver lining have you found lately? Share with us in the comments.
Only comments made on my website will count as entries. So if you’re reading this blog anywhere other than on my website and you’d like to enter the giveaway, please hop over to the correct page on my website by clicking on the following link:
The deadline for entering this giveaway is Tuesday, February 7, at noon Eastern Time. One winner will be chosen using and will be contacted directly.
All of my giveaways are limited to US residents only. Please visit my giveaway rules and FAQ page for a complete explanation of the terms and conditions of this giveaway.
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