The pile of dirty dishes is mocking me from its home in the sink. A handle to a spoon is sticking out, as if waving and saying, “Hi, I’m still here!” I sigh.
Fifteen years ago I washed dishes as needed throughout the day and for a last time before heading to bed. When I woke, I would find that the sink had mysteriously filled with plates and cups. Well, it wasn’t too mysterious. I had teenagers who raided the fridge, devouring leftovers while I slept. But they were very clean about it. How do I know? Because evidence showed they never used the same plate or cup twice during any given night!
The teens are now grown men in homes of their own, and my sink no longer fills with dishes when I’m not looking. But somehow dishes still pile up. It’s one of those empty-nest puzzlements that no one warns you about.
My husband is incredibly helpful in every possible way. But he works long hours each weekday in the surveying field, and by the end of the day, his energy is waning. And speaking of long hours, some days I’m at the computer writing, editing, rewriting, and doing all the non-writing aspects of the job from sunrise to long beyond sunset. And we love time with our sons, daughters-in-law, and five young grandchildren.
You know what? I think I’ve solved my mystery I mentioned above of “somehow.”
(See the miniature tea pot in the sink? It’s a sure sign that my five-year-old granddaughter and I had a tea party, although I hadn’t recalled doing so until I studied the impromptu picture I’d taken weeks ago.)
For the most part, I feel I use my time decently well, just not in ways that are always easily accounted for.
Romantic Times recently awarded me with their Career Achievement Award for Inspirational Fiction. I was very surprised and also incredibly thankful. Incredibly thankful!
So piles of dishes? No big deal, one of us will get to them soon enough. Dust puppies (you know, instead of bunnies because these are made of our dog, Tassie’s, fur) will be swept away…eventually. My home is rarely in the kind of shape I prefer for it to be in, even when all dishes are done, laundry is clean and put away, and floors are scrubbed. There are still closets and storage rooms that need cleaning out, new recipes I want to try, and rooms that need a fresh coat of paint. When I was a young woman I mistakenly thought life would be slower by now, and I imagined having every thing in its rightful place every day. But I’m at peace that the lifestyle I once imagined isn’t the one I have. There’s more love, spontaneous moments, and creativity in this one than I knew was possible back when.
What little things have you needed to let go of to help maintain sanity and a sense of balance throughout your life, either at work or in the home?
For this “blue skies” post, I am giving away an autographed copy of my August 15 release, Gathering the Threads. It’s the third and final book in the Amish of Summer Grove series. To read the first chapter, CLICK HERE.
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What little things have you needed to let go of to help maintain sanity and a sense of balance throughout your life, either at work or in the home?
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